As the regular visitors can see I've change a couple of things like adding a new title header, and some of the text colors and fonts. If you're viewing this on a mobile unit then this doesn't apply to you for the mobile viewing is a different setup. For those of you on a pc or tablet please let me know if a font or font color is hard to read. :)
Last night I was chatting with a friend, lets call her 'Muffin', and asked her if she would check out the changes I made to the blog. During this chat Muffin told me, "I had nothing to read with my coffee Monday". I of course apologized and explained that mentally, and emotionally, I was drained after the last big post. Which in turn affects my creative thought process. During my conversation with Muffin I had a BRILLIANT idea for a post and cryptically told her so in between virtual giggles. Of course I was side tracked and didn't get to my post right away. By the time I was ready to put the post together my so called brilliant idea was missing. Yes, missing. I searched and searched, and it was no where to be found. My brilliant idea is MIA!!
Well Shit! Now that I've opened my mouth and bragged to Muffin about my brilliant idea I have to post SOMETHING! I can't just wait for inspiration to hit me. I had to dig into my closet of ideas and hope I could find one that would be worthy of a cup of a morning coffee. So a digging I went. Shoes?, nope. The filing cabinet that I haven't used since we moved in 7 years ago?, nope. Photo boxes? yes! Wait, no time. Damn it! Board games?, no. Jason's rifle/shotgun?, not going to happen. A deflated exercise ball? Hmm maybe I should blow it up, it might do me more good. Naw. Well damn. I've got nothing hidden in my closet. Sigh.
Okay, since I can't find anything in my closet all I have left to give is a little bit of me. Hurry up and refill your coffee Muffin, I don't have all day here.
When I started Monkeys & Windex I didn't expect anyone other than family and a few friends to follow. Since there are people who now follow this blog who don't know me I thought I would just tell a few facts about myself. Yes, Muffin, I know you already know most of this. As soon as I find that brilliant idea that's M.I.A. I'll be sure to wow you, okay? This will hold you over for now.
~My favorite kinds of movies are the classic Musicals.
~I never leave, go to sleep, or hang up the phone without saying, "I Love You" to my loved ones.
~I can talk about anything, yet when I get on the phone I become very shy.
~I would rather read the book than watch the movie.
~My best friend is an Alpha Bitch, and I like it!
~If I could live anywhere in the world I would live in Ireland.
~I married my husband of 11 1/2 years after dating him in person for only 10 days.
~My best accomplishments in life are my 3 girls.
~I am the Queen of procrastination.
~I miss my ex boyfriends younger brother as if he were my own brother. (which I have none of)
~Professional Bull Riding is my favorite sport, and not just because of the cowboys.
~Contrary to popular belief, I do cry & I am not as strong as everyone thinks.
~I crave knowledge, yet I will never go back to school.
~I grew up 2 miles from town, yet I never went to town.
~I'm almost 34 years old and I'm still scared of the dark.
~I'm addicted to McDonald's Caramel Mocha's. (thanks bernie)
~I thank God everyday for my husband. I don't know what I would do without him.
~When my friends hurt, I hurt too.
Okay, I think that's enough about me for the day. What about you? Tell me something about you that not everyone, if anyone, knows.
Happy Thursday Muffin, I hope you enjoyed your coffee and morning entertainment.
Have a wonderful day everyone.
Huggs ♥ Love