
Twist the knife...

Earlier today I posted some confessions. One of them being how I lied to the girls about the cat being euthanized (I plan on telling them of her "passing" this next week). Anyways, we went out to dinner to a Chinese buffet tonight. This particular restaurant has a koi pond, at the reception area, where you can toss in a coin. The girls both toss their coins each visit and make their wishes. The last time we went, Kiera (the short midget, 8), wished that her sister Maggie Alice "could be here with us For Real to play with, not be an angel."  OH MY GOD!! Break my heart all over again why don't cha!!  I had a heart to heart with her and basically told her to try to be happy that her sister is in heaven where she no longer has health issues and to try to wish for something that may be possible, like a new doll or a trip to the movies this weekend. I was hoping that our little chat worked. Well it did, but it didn't.... She told me tonight that her wish was that "Bonnie (our cat who was just euthanized who she temporarily thinks is at a shelter to get better & then adopted) wasn't sick anymore even though she can't come home because she won't use the litter box anymore."  DEAR SWEET MARY, MOTHER OF JESUS!! Twist the knife a little more in my guilt for lying to the kids about what happened to the cat!! FFS! I can't seem to get a break these days! Oh well, such is life. Right? Hopefully things won't be too bad and having a pool will help distract the girls once I tell them that their cat has passed on to Heaven... Maybe I should have tossed in a coin and made a wish....



  1. Oh my goodness how the little ones can make a mother feel like shit for putting kitty to sleep.

    1. Haha! Yes they can. In her defense though, she doesn't yet know that the kitty is dead.... Oh well, that's the life of a mother, right. ;)

  2. Kids are pretty resilient. In my experience kids can usually take the death of a pet pretty well. A few tears and sad thoughts soothed with plenty of hugs and distractions.
    Big hug for mum too.

    1. You were right, Mynx!

      More than a few tears, but overall not as bad as I had imagined. Taking them to the movies helped bunches!

      Thanks for the hug!!

  3. I'm so sorry CJ, but I couldn't help giggling while reading your post. I saw right where it was heading after the 8th line.

    I think you did the right thing but I also think that we make those "pious lies" (I think you called them "white lies") only to give OURSELVES some time to think of the best way possible to deal with an overwhelming situation. All parents do this, and the guilt is also vrey good: it helps us keep our head straight otherwise we would use those white lies to get away from any situation which would not work to our best interest in the long run.

    Maybe you'll realize that you don't need to smooth things up for the monkeys. As Minx says, kids can take more than we think. But considering what you guys went through in the past 4-5 years, your reaction is totally legitimate and sensitive.

    I'm sure it's all going to be fine... just bring a big stack of candy also at the pool! HAHA! :P


    1. Jon,

      You are so right! Half the reason I lied about the cat was so I wouldn't be the bad guy! AGAIN! You are also right on the guilt being a deterrent for lying. There are enough lies in the world, I don't want to be one of those parents who raise their children on lies & pretenses. The truth shall set you free!! I hope! LOL

      No worries on giggling. I was giggling a little while writing it. Mainly because when she told me her wish the second time I visualized the knife stabbing me and twisting in a cartoonish kind of way! It's just my luck to not always have the best of luck. Oh well, such is life, right?

      Thanks for understanding :)


  4. Hey Sis! You told the little white lie to the girls for you as much as for them. It's hard when it seems like all you've done for the last few years is give them bad news and I know you hate the seeing the sadness in their eyes when they are told. I would have done the same thing in your shoes. If for no other reason than to allow myself to grieve the loss of the pet before I had to comfort the children. Love you!

    1. Valisatie,

      You know me so well, and you hit the nail on the head with everything you said. I've told the girls the truth and I feel better for it. I admit though, it would have been a lot harder had I not been able to deal with it on my own first.

      LOVE YOU!


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