
Haiku Monday: Bayou

Lately it seems that there just isn't enough time to sit and let the words for a haiku flow. I read the theme and nothing comes to me, or I just can't find the time to get online and post. For whatever reason this week once I read the theme, Bayou, thoughts & feelings started swirling in my mind.... I could feel something inside churning to get out and be heard. I just had to make the time to post! It may not be my best and it may not be my worst, but here it is:

Steamy sultry mire,
Swirling mists lure you deeper.
Voodoo mans magic.

Photo courtesy of: Disney's The Princess & the Frog

The wonderfully talented & witty Rafa, from Ramblings From My Typer, is this weeks host. Be sure to pop on over and check out the competition. Good luck to all!



  1. omg i love this so good to see you post

    1. Thanks Becca!! It's good to be posting again!

  2. WOW! You captured the mysteriousness of the Bayou perfectly!
    Good to see you back! :)

    1. Thanks Blaze!

      To me the bayou is shrouded in mystery. Only those born there know the real story of what's in the bayou. They are the only ones who are truly accepted there. The bayou is a magical place. Depends on who you are on if that magic is light or dark.... ;)

      It's great to be back!

  3. Could be wrong, but that feeling, you speak of, CoreyJo, was most likely my foot tickling at your entrails to 'ku me a damn tale, dagnabbit!!

    Hmmm... funny how your bayou sounds an awful lot like the wafting swamp that lies from betwixt your legs. Voodoo man's magic...? Or womanly charms, dizzying a man to plunder his last bit of worth?

    Seriously, though, the bayou is a place shrouded in a mysterious magic, only explainable by some underlying source that lives within. Nicely done!!!


    P.S. Come to think of it, could be the Sailor and his magic stick, stirring up a hot mess of feelings; a woman's place, IS her home:D

    1. Haha! Rafa,

      I was thinking the same thing about my swampy ditch being similar to the bayou! I just couldn't piece together a 'Ku about it.

      The Sailor is definitely magical! ;)



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