
I would like to thank....

The Butterfly Award

I'm speechless...well not really, but I'm extremely flattered & honoured to get this beautiful Butterfly Award. My blog is still in it's infancy and already my friend Becca from Everyday Life thought it interesting enough to toss my name in the hat. Literally, she tossed my name in a hat full of blogs she thought worthy.   So, I'd like to thank you, Becca, for thinking me worthy. ((HUGS))

Okay, on to the fine print.

1.)  Thank the one who gave it to me.

2.)  Answer the following questions.

3.)  Pass the award onto other wonderful bloggers.


1~ Name your favorite songAmazing Grace by Meryl Streep

2~ Name your favorite dessert.    Creme Brulee

3~ What whizzes (???) you off?    Ignorance 

4~ When you're upset, you?   I cry

5~ Favorite pet?   Don't have one, but if I did it would be a cat & dog team

6~ Black or White?   Neither...I See the Rainbow!!

7~ Your biggest fear?   Not going to Heaven and seeing Maggie again

8~ Best feature?   My Smile

9~ Everyday attitude?   Procrastination Queen

10~ What is perfection?   My children's love

11~ Guilty pleasure?   Nothing, I'm a glutton 

Now  to pass this onto other wonderful bloggers.

Thanks again Becca.
Hugs & Kisses


  1. you totally deserved it..HUGS

  2. Awwww Thank You! And of COURSE you deserve it already! You're sooooper :) xoxox Love ya! _ cousin! :D


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