
Haiku Winner!! (finally announced)

I SOOOO totally blew my plan to not be tardy! I do sincerely apologize for posting the winner so late in the week. It's completely unacceptable. Then again my name is Miz Tardy Pants, so I'm sure some of you aren't surprised.

Since I was late at posting the winner I've decided to accept every haiku posted no matter the time or day. It's the least I can do, I don't wanna be a pot callin' the kettle black. Who wants to be one of THOSE people? Hear say is it isn't very kosher.  So, on to the run down!

First up was Doom, with a plethora of wonderfulness! However one seemed to stand out more than the rest. I love words that end in "ous", whether they were meant to be or not. Great visuals to accompany the poems also.

Green seedlings grow well.
Their scent and playfulness please-
Funtabulous food.

Next up was Foam with two wonderful entries. "Eternal Hunger".... it's just so captivating I can't but love it! Awesome Alice Cooper, by the way.

Eternal hunger
Gnawing pain .. I rise, I seek ...
Your morsel of brain ..

Last weeks winner, Becca, brings her  game again with her haiku entries. This one had me chuckling with childhood memories

Tall white rounded hats
tilted just a tad latest
fashion for fence post!

Next up is a newcomer. Everyone welcome Joss to the craziness that is Haiku Monday. I must say Joss, for a rookie you sure did knock this one out of the park! I happen to read the poem before your explanation. Me being a housewife who hates dishes, I was so totally thinking of a bubble bath. However after thinking about it for a few days, I realized that you may just be right about the dishes! lol!! Great job Newbie!

Soap suds caress me
as I scrub away disdain
and discover hope.

As always Karl raises the bar with his ability to paint a picture in just 17 syllables. While all of his entries this week were beautiful the one that made me sigh was this.

Spring sunrise blinding
Her silhouette all I see
No better image

Our resident mischief maker, Rafa, has done it again His silvery tongue bringing to life to party as always! Most excellent haiku this week Darling, and the 'ode to me was devastatingly hilarious! What's a party without some laughs, right?!

A thunderous CLAP!
Lightning's flash illuminates
Breath is brought to life

Blazing Scarlet... I was going to crown you the new Miz Tardy Pants, but I kind fudged that one. Your haiku this week really touched me deep. Hospitals are not my favorite place to be, yet I find myself there quite often. I must agree, there is no comfort for me either.

There he lies .... alone.
Hospital sterility
No comfort, alone.

Serendipity! You have nailed my week to a tee! It has been Hella crazy here for me. Emotionally & physically! I can't wait to see this one end and hopefully on a good note. Now again because of my tardiness your haiku is also up for judging.

Sorry, on the run!
This weekend had no spare time!
Work crazy bizzy!

As usual none of you have made the job of judging easy.  Last night I narrowed it down to two. Joss &  Doom. I was ready to flip a coin when something in me just wouldn't let go of one line. So the winner this week is:


You captivated me with your "Funtabulous Food" Two of my favorite things. Words that end in 'ous' and of course food!! Congrats on your win. I hope I've left you enough time to think up a theme for this coming Monday!

Congrats to all the contestants and thank you for not filling my inbox with detention slips for my tardiness! Everyone did a great job and I can't wait to see what Doom comes up with.


Resident Miz Tardy Pants


  1. Yup, I liked that one by Doom too. Congrats to Doom!

  2. *bows*

    Splendiferous! I am pleased that you enjoyed.

    Thank you for the pleasant hosting. It is a bit of a chore, but a delicious one. I can't say much about being tardy, either. Trust me, I'm late to my own funeral! And I... think I will have plenty of time to set the thing in motion. Just make sure to visit! Actually... all save typing it up... it is already done, come to think of it. I'll let you know when I have posted it.

  3. I know, a bit early. A grave mistake for some. *impish grins* But I am up!

  4. CoreyJo:

    HaHa...awesome hosting, Darl'n O'Mine. Doom is quite magical, isn't he.

    Congrats to all and thanks for the SMILES!


  5. Hospitals are part of the reason why I didn't go back to nursing school! ;)
    I actually wrote mine on Monday while I was at the hospital with my father for his surgery.
    That is why I was so late with it too!
    You did a fantabulous* job of hosting the non-theme theme!
    SOOOOOO many wonderous* haiku's!

    Doom, congrats with your playful, funtabulous food! :D
    I will be by to see what you've got in store for next week.
    I'll probably be late for that one too! lol

    *Notice my use of "ous" words?! lol

    Have a delicious weekend y'all!

  6. Good afternoon Resident Miz Tardy Pants,

    Thanks for hosting! Everyone gets busy don't worry about it.

    Doom: You sir are on a roll. Congratulations on your win!

  7. Miz Tardy Pants...

    I LOVE this one. I'm gonna call you like this from now on.

    Miz TeePee!!! BWAHAHA!


    Great hosting dear, but I thought it was decided last year that Haiku Monday would be held only once every two weeks instead of evey week. But maybe I dreamt all that!


  8. Hey CoreyJo! Wanna join in the haiku fun again? I'm hosting Michael at my site who doesn't have a blog.


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