
And the winner is...

Resident Miss Tardy Pants Reporting late for duty.

With the state of Michigan being shut down for the last four days due to "inclement" weather I've had yet ANOTHER day with the monkeys. Who, at this point, have turned rabid. If I don't get to the store soon I will run out of Windex! Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with my girls. In fact, I've even survived whole summers. The breaking point for this extended Christmas break from school is that the temperatures been averaging about -20 to -25 degrees F. Um... I can't send them outside!!!! The dog doesn't even want to go out! In fact, the other night whilst walking back up to the house, when the dog had to poo at 11:30 p.m., the wind started to gust hard enough to almost knock my big ass down and cold enough to freeze my eyeballs. My EYEBALLS!! I could feel the surface of my eyeball freezing and then my eyelashes were freezing together by the time I made it to the door. Needless to say I am ready for the weather to warm up. Not to mention we've had 20-30 inches of snow drop on us in just a few days time. Thank goodness for friends with plow trucks because it was too damn cold to use the snow blower!! On a good note though, my new winter boots, while fashionable, kept my feet nice and toasty!

Okay so enough of my drama and excuses on why I was AWOL yesterday. On to the Haiku!

Everyone had great entries. All of them evoked one emotion or another from me. The dirty mind that I have, a few of them evoked some delicious emotions! Also, what would a Haiku Monday be without a hilariously naughty RafaDe original?  All were wonderful, all were very well written. Having said that, one haiku just wouldn't leave me alone. It kept calling me back time and time again.

I am told to quit
I am told I should face facts
I won't sleep 'til dead

Congratulations Doom!
You are this weeks winner!!

Doom's first one poked and poked at me. It's still poking at me, and I still can't tell you why. The fact that it is still drawing me in is the very reason why I have picked this as the winning haiku. 

Kudos to all who played this week. I really did love them all. Thank you all for coming out to play. As always I promise to try to be more prompt in the future.

Happy Hump Day!!


  1. Well done Doom - and the gloom of the aspiration towards expiration!

  2. Great job hosting! I too am glad this polar vortex has moved on out. I hope you all thaw out soon! Congratulations to Doom! And to think he didn't want to post his haiku .. :-)

  3. Good afternoon Miss Tardy Pants,

    No need for an apology, with the weather you folks have been getting waiting till spring would've been acceptable. Finding a pair of boots that will keep you warm in that kind of cold is great of regardless of fashion.When my kids start complaining about being bored, when they're cooped up due to weather, we'll plug in an algebra teaching video. It's amazing how fast they find something to do. Thank you for hosting, please come and play next week.

    Congratulations Doom! Looks like you're not up for retirement just yet.

  4. I didn't mean to haunt you. Perhaps you can get it exercised? Just be careful and not do it when your eyes and lashes freeze!

    Truth be told, that one bugs me a lot too. Remember, I wrote it then pulled it before finally deciding to print it. Then again, it is those things that stay with you... Like chili with cheese, or a dedicated love, that can be good. Urhm, then again there is fried cheese. In other words, I have no idea what to say.

    Never worry about being "late". We all take our turns at that. You did a fine program this week. As did the contestants. Stay warm! Sheesh.

  5. Oh, I am up with the new contest. Edge(s). Don't look down?

  6. congrats Doom you amaze as always and CJ girl i'm so not coming to visit till weather is at least above 70

  7. Hey, trying to drum up some business. No, not money business, haiku. Got a noob judge, an interesting open theme ("trouble", like any of us know about that! :p), and thought I'd advert for her. Give her a... serious contest in which to get her feet wet. So... I'm knocking on doors.

    Her post is here

    I know you are busy, but you've got this week. I'm trying to get her to stall until next Monday for judging, so...


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